Monday, September 14, 2009

Joseph's Baptism Day

It was the first Saturday in September at noon when the family gathered for the baptism of Joseph and his cousin, Noah. The children were shiney faced and happily anticipating this great event. I was asked to speak about baptism after the mothers of these boys gave tender words about each of them. They were baptized by their fathers and then Monica Whihongi spoke about the Holy Ghost. The boys were both attentive and happy. There was a wonderful feeling all during the meeting.

Grandpa, David gave the closing prayer then we all hugged Joseph and took pictures. Doesn't he look handsome?

Alison and Abby came all the way from Eagle Mountain. Next year it will be Abby's turn.

After the baptism we all went to Brett and Claudia's for dinner. Yum. Here is Aunt Crystal with her fabulous cupcakes that we all enjoyed.

Matthew was sad that he had to leave for his football game. We all cheered for him as he left with his father, the coach. That brought a smile to his cute face. This was the first game for him and they won! What a great way to start.

Sarah had to leave for work at the Red Balloon. She took some cupcakes to share with her co workers. She must have been the favorite that day at work.
It was a fabulous Saturday!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Joseph looks just like Grandpa! He is such a handsome little boy. I would have loved to be at the baptism, not just because of the cupcakes. :)