Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Grand - motherhood

It is grand to be the grandmother. There is always an event or a performance or a good hang out with the grand children. Yesterday Analisa was playing the final high school JV Tennis tournament. It came down to her against a best friend, Michelle. Analisa won! David and I thought she would. She had another game after this one to clinch the title. I hear that there will be a trophy! Go Analisa.

Earlier in the month Lindsay and I burned it over to Sunnydale drive so we could see the big girls getting ready for prom. Sadly, we missed Analisa but Sarah was there looking stunning as ever. Claudia's blog has the pics and description of the event. I remember the days in Dunwoody and in Dublin when mine were all dressed up. How beautiful they were and have remained. Thanks to all the children for being so good. I love you.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Great Race

Well, it all started on Labor Day in Grantsville, Utah. David and I rode the "Beemer" out to the Larry H. Miller Motor Speedway to meet the boys. We had given them each a gift certificate for a birthday or Christmas which they hadn't used yet. John organized the day and invited a friend from work so we met at the Kart Center. My brother, Brent and his wife, Sharyn came later to join the fun. This is the before picture.
Chris, Brett, David, Conrad, John and friend, John.

When they had been properly instructed, they all suited up with helmets and neck protectors, chose a car and prepared for the race. Everyone wanted to win. There was some amount of bravado among the brothers.
I decided to be the holder of wallets, sunglasses, cameras, keys and be the official photographer.
On the left: Chris, Conrad then Brett.
On the right: John, David and John.
Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!

I was so happy that David's white helmet was so easy to see. I could find him anywhere. He, like the others, was passing everyone he could and having a great time.

Brett gave the sign of power and then was full speed ahead!
Chris lifted a tire going around this curve. It was the curve of many spin outs but not our guys although David clipped a young man who had spun out which resulted in David's Kark breaking. He had to wait for a rescue and a new Kart so he could finish. That young man continued on.

The After Picture.
In the end, everyone was tired and happy. It was a full hour of racing, broken into 15 minute segments. It was faster and more physical that you would think. They all want a "be back."
David, Johnny, Christopher, Conrad, Brett and Brent.
The studly men in my Winner's Circle.
Spencer and Randy should plan this on the next trip to Utah.

Joseph's Baptism Day

It was the first Saturday in September at noon when the family gathered for the baptism of Joseph and his cousin, Noah. The children were shiney faced and happily anticipating this great event. I was asked to speak about baptism after the mothers of these boys gave tender words about each of them. They were baptized by their fathers and then Monica Whihongi spoke about the Holy Ghost. The boys were both attentive and happy. There was a wonderful feeling all during the meeting.

Grandpa, David gave the closing prayer then we all hugged Joseph and took pictures. Doesn't he look handsome?

Alison and Abby came all the way from Eagle Mountain. Next year it will be Abby's turn.

After the baptism we all went to Brett and Claudia's for dinner. Yum. Here is Aunt Crystal with her fabulous cupcakes that we all enjoyed.

Matthew was sad that he had to leave for his football game. We all cheered for him as he left with his father, the coach. That brought a smile to his cute face. This was the first game for him and they won! What a great way to start.

Sarah had to leave for work at the Red Balloon. She took some cupcakes to share with her co workers. She must have been the favorite that day at work.
It was a fabulous Saturday!


As the saying goes "you can't make new old friends". These dear friends have been ours since we lived in Houston, Texas in 1969. We met again in Cincinnati, Ohio and our families spent countless hours together. When we moved to Atlanta they came for Thanksgiving every year. When we moved back to Ohio, we continued the Thanksgivings together until our families got so big that we couldn't accomodate us all. When we are together after being apart for years, it is still the same warm friendship and we pick up right where we left off. They just returned from being Mission Presidents in North Carolina. This was our reunion day together. Welcome back Budge and Linda.

These are dear friends from our ward. My neighbor Kitty had a lunch gathering just for fun. Left to right are Susie, Kitty, Judith, Peggy, Susie, and Meriam. It's always fun when the girls get together!

Another Sad Day

There have been many loved ones lost in the past few years. My Aunt Barbara is the last to leave of the family of my parents. She is my aunt by marriage into the Brown family. She was the youngest of her siblings and she left these four behind. This was a family of children who raised each other because their parents died when they were very young. These sisters watched over Barbara with great care and were tireless in service to her until the very end. They are heroes.
Barbara passed away after several months of struggling to stay on earth. She was always cheerful and hopeful in spite of the many hospitalizations and times at the rehabilitation center where she was cared for. She was a fighter.
During my childhood she and my Uncle Merril were wonderful to me and I always felt especially loved by them. The only happiness in losing a loved one is in remembering the times together and thinking of the great reunion above. Finally, she will meet her mother. What a happy day.