Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Pumpkin Party

The Attendees: l-r back row: Aunt Lindsay, her boyfriend Chris, Sarah, Katherine Analisa
Front row: l-r Matthew, Samuel, Abby and Joseph.

For the last few years I have had a Pumpkin Party for the grandchildren. It started because one October Sarah, Analisa and Katherine wanted a sleep over at grammy's. I decided to do something a little special so I bought some pumpkins and paint and they painted some adorable pumpkins to take home. They were so cute that I took pictures for my scrapbook. (I wish those pictures were still in my computer... but no) The next year we expanded it to include all the grandchildren sans the sleepover. Again the pumpkins were adorable. I wasn't planning on starting a tradition but it just happened because it was fun for me, it was fun for them and partly because one year I wanted to bake the ghost cake that I had seen in a Martha Stewart magazine. In order to have the cake we had to have lunch first so Wha La, the tradition was born: A Saturday in October, a lunch, some pumpkins and some paint and Aunt Lindsay coming to help. Learning of the Pumpkin Party my talented sister, Laurel, sent me a Halloween apron to wear. So last Saturday, Oct. 18, 2008 the table was set, the apron was pressed and all was ready.
First granddchild to arrive was little Abby, age 6 with her mom, Alison. Abby had been talking about the Pumpkin Party for several days with much excitement. She came with her Witch hat ready for the festivities. Then "the cousins" as Abby calls them, Katherine, Analisa, Sarah, Matthew, Samuel and Joseph arrived with their dad, Brett. Let the fun begin! We had a pizza lunch as requested by Matthew and Joseph the day before. I got a small cheese pizza with Abby and Alison in mind and Matthew was sure that everyone in his family loved the veggie pizza best so we got a big one of those and Grampy, Brett and Chris surely would like the Cowboy pizza with all the meat and fixins. Well, as it turned out, most of the kids wanted the cheese pizza and rolling their eyes, they told me that I could never trust Matthew. What's a grandma to do? In spite of that, all the pizza was eaten. Next year I'll buy more cheese pizza!

The day was beautiful so we opted for painting outside on the deck. There was much creative thought and careful consideration going in to this project. Sarah said that she was out of new ideas. We expected a lot from Chris, the boyfriend, because he's an artist. He came prepared and didn't disappoint. Samuel just liked the paint. Matthew, Joseph and Abby painted both front and back. They labored hard to get them just right. Lindsay said it was the only creative thing she ever does. Katherine quietly worked and encouraged the little brothers. Analisa had finished hers first then Grampy said she needed to add a little more so she returned and embellished. Alison and I were at beck and call of all to provide whatever was needed. Grampy and Brett watched the football game.

The sun was warm, the pumpkins came alive and were admired by all. Samuel, our 4 year old, painted the white "ghost" whch we all thought looked like a witch after he added the pink. Chris created a Peanuts Pumpkin patch. The talent in this bunch is obvious. We had a fun time. The Pumpkin Party lives on.

Top to bottom pumpkins left to right: Joseph, Chris, Abby, Analisa, Lindsay, Katherine, Matthew, Sarah, and Samuel's


katherine said...

I love the pumpkin party!!! It is so much fun, and I look forward to going every year. Thanks for being the best!!!

Carrie said...

What a fun post! I was thinking about copying your idea this year, but maybe next year. It is nice to have special events like that to look forward too. Now, you even have a fancy apron for the occasion.

Brett Nielson said...

You're an awesome Grandma! Thanks for doing this for our children!