Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Traveling Pants?

You have heard of the Traveling Pants by now. I admit that I have not seen the movies but the name is fun; "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". Well, it seems that I have my own traveling pants saga.
Have you ever had an article of clothing that you just love; it is the right color, it fits great, it has the pockets in the right place, and the fabric is just right? I had those pants. They were workout pants. They were perfect for any workout because I could wear them with any color shirt, they were long enough yet short enough, the pocket was just right for my ipod, and the fabric was breathable, stretchy and light. Perfect.
They went missing just after my daughters visit. I thought perhaps she had mistakenly taken them home to Atlanta with her but when I asked her about it she looked and found no sign of the missing pants. I searched every drawer and closet in my home. No pants. I checked at the Gym. No pants. It was depressing.
I began to look for the replacement at every store including the one in Park City where I bought them but none were suitable; too youthful, too tight, too funky, not long enough, too long. (Every woman knows about this kind of shopping experience.) I ruminated on it and even prayed about it. No pants.
Several weeks went by and I was still hopeful of the recovery of the pants but resigned enough to not finding them that I bought another pair at Smith's Marketplace. They were long and suitable for the weight lifting class and would keep my legs warm to and from the gym on cold days. The price was right so I settled.
Last night I dreamed about my lost pants. What a silly thing I said to myself. Why would I dream about those pants. Yes, I wanted to find them but I didn't think I was obsessed enough to dream about them. In my dream I found the pants between the wall and the headboard of my bed.
This morning as I dressed for the gym I remembered the dream. I knelt down by the side of my bed and looked. There they were! Just where I had found them in the dream and perfectly folded as well. I gleefully retrieved them and told my husband, David, of my wonderful find. "Had you prayed about it? he asked. "yes," I sheepishly replied. He smiled as if to say "I knew it". "You have a pretty good connection." he said. I admit that I do deem it a blessing.
Now you may call this a coincidence or say that I sub-consciously knew where they were all along, but this is a tender mercy from the Lord; a gentle reminder that He is there watching over us even in our most trivial pursuits.
Silly? Not at all.


Carrie said...

I have so enjoyed thinking about this story today and even shared it with Randy. You really did have "traveling pants!" I am so delighted that you dreamt about them and found them. What a blessing!

Brett Nielson said...

What an awesome story! That is too fun. You do have a good connection, for sure!

Claudia said...

That is so funny. Joseph has to give a talk in Primary on Sunday about prayer. I'll share it with him. Child like faith is something we all tend to forget. Thanks for the reminder!