Friday, September 26, 2008


There is a wonderful little primary song called Follow The Prophet. The children enjoy singing it and hopefully they get the message. It's a simple one; "Follow the Prophet, he knows the way."
It is interesting that the First Presidency published The Family, A Proclamation to the World years before our nation became embattled in the debate over just what constitutes a family. You also remember that the Word of Wisdom was given long before we knew anything about the health ramifications of commonly used products of that day. Remember Noah? It wasn't raining. Do you also recall the theme of so many conferences of The Church in recent years; get out of debt, be prepared with some food in the pantry that will last, have some money readily available and get a 72 hour kit? We now readily see the wisdom in all of that. History shows that the prophets have always been years ahead of issues that affect us so dramatically.
Last night I dreamed I was in a hurricane but I was safely inside and protected from the storm though it raged aganist the building and it's windows. I believe that today, with the stock market failing and much of our life savings invested there, that I am still safe from the storm. How can that be? There is panic everywhere. Here's why I am not fearful when everything around me says that I should be.
We have been following the prophet's advice but not always understanding why. We have trusted in the Lord and have kept faith that He knows what is best for us and the nation. I don't know how this failing stock market will be healed or if it will but I do know that the Lord has power over all things. If we are to struggle and lose what we have I still know that we will be fine. It will be another challenge. I know that a few righteous people have a great effect on the world and our nation. (Helaman 13:12,14) Thankfully, I know that there are many righteous people in this country. I know that the prophet is given fore knowledge of things so that we can be protected if we follow the counsel. I believe that in difficult times and in times of ease that trust in the Lord brings peace. I believe it is our obligation to pray for our country; to pray for it's leaders and to follow the counsel of the prophet. That, my friends, is the answer.


Carrie said...

Amen! Have faith. If we put the Lord first He will provide for our needs. There is no need to fear. We are seeing many hardships here in Georgia. First, the drought and now our gas. We have waited in very long lines to get gas. Most of our gas stations are closed because they do not have any. I am grateful to have our prophet to guide, direct, and protect us, if we choose to listen. We are so very blessed.

The Stanley's said...

i love your testimony...

Carrie said...

MOM, you need to post again. I will if you will.