Saturday, October 30, 2010


This is a picture of Connie from Colorado, Christopher and Lindsay.
Here's the story. Chris had taken a motorcycle trip through his mission area this summer and stopped in on Connie. She was a woman who had sought the true church for a long time and had decided that it was not on the earth. She had decided that she would just wait for the time when Christ would come and He would establish His Church.
Christopher was serving in her area and called on her and was told that she definately was not interested. She did not want the Book of Mormon or another visit. She had studied every religion even the eastern religions to no avail. She was impressed with the clean cut young men however, and later told her young son that there were good young guys in the world and she wished that he could have been at home that day to meet them. Her son was leaning toward the gang side.
 As they were talking, Chris and his companion were literally at a cross road deciding which way to go. Chris said "lets go see Connie." So they did.  When they approached the door Connie was inside talking to her son but heard one of the missionaries say "Maybe she will give us a drink of water." She remembered the scripture "When saw we thee hungry and gave thee meat and when saw we thirsty and gave thee drink?" She thought "at least I can give them a drink of water" so she invited them in.
They were introduced to her son and he wanted to hear a lesson right then. So they taught him the first discussion and asked him to read some scriptures in the Book of Mormon. Connie wanted to know what was being taught and what her son had been asked to read so she sat in on the lesson and after they left, Connie, wanting to make sure that she knew what her son was being ask to read, she read. That was all there was to it. She was converted!
She recently moved to Salt Lake City and as she and Chris had been keeping in touch, we invited her to brunch on Conference Sunday. It was great to meet her and hear her side of this story which I tired to correctly relate to you. It was such a blessing to hear her speak of her gratitude for our son and the saving gospel that he brought to her that day.