Monday, August 16, 2010

Susie Brown and the Jane Dear Girls

We took a trip to Reno, NV to see our niece perform.  I love the first picture of the car in the parking lot of our hotel. Read the sign and look at the car.
What a fun trip we had with Brent and Sharyn.
First single for The Jane Dear Girls isout. It's a country song called "Wildflowers" which you can see on YouTube or download from I Tunes. We wish them well.  The first pictures of the girls was taken before the show with Brent, Susie, Judith and Danelle.


Carrie said...

What fun! I wish I could have seen the show. I bet they were happy to have your support.

Brett Nielson said...

That's fun! Hope Susan and partner are having a blast!

Claudia said...

My girls (especially Sarah) watch the Wildflower video almost daily. They think it's so cool that she's living her dream. Heaven knows she's paid her dues. Go Susan!

I bet Uncle Brent couldn't be prouder!