Monday, December 28, 2009

The Grand Dog

This is the Grand Dog, Topher. He was the only member of his family not invited to Disneyland. Imagine that. His other grand mother was coming to Salt Lake to take care of him and her brother while the kids were gone. Sadly her plane was grounded in Oklahoma City and she couldn't make it here until the Monday after Christmas. Like the good grandparents that we are, we offered to take care of Topher. We picked him up Christmas night and brought him and his bed, food, treats, leash and blanky to our house. He made himself right at home and immediately bonded to both of us. We knew that he was a little insecure bacause he followed me to every room and even into the bathroom! Topher is a dog who just loves. He is also a dog who needs all you can give back. He curls up beside you and nuzzles his way to your lap, your chest and soon his little cute face is an inch away from yours. He burrows into every blanket or pillow. He perched between us as we watched television first loving on one of us then on the other. He was fickle and just wanted as much love as he could possibly get. Two is better than one you know. He decided that because he couldn't sleep with us he would claim the family room sofa for the night and during the day if he wasn't underfoot, he would claim a certain pillow on the living room sofa. If we left he would sit on the chair next to the livingroom window and wait for us by the door. I must say that we have never had warmer welcomes upon coming home. His excitement for our arrival is unmatched.
This morning as I was sleeping downstairs I heard his rapid fire descent on the stairs and then his happy, wagging body jumping on the bed and on me waking me up. I had to laugh at his greeting. He circled on top of the bed, nestled in and out of the pillows and under my arms, on my chest and declared his total confidence that I was that happy to see him too. What a guy. He made us laugh with his sounds and his snoring and his intense chasing of whatever might have ever been out in our yard barking at who knows what every time he ventured out. He did not just go outside. He jetted from the door to the bushes barking all the way. Topher was an experience. I think we bonded! Help!!


Carrie said...

So, you miss him? He is such a friendly dog. I just love him! There is nothing like a dog welcoming you. They are just so happy to see you. No wonder it is said that "dogs are man's best friend."

Lauralee said...

I love to picture you and Bro/Bishop Nielson with a dog. And I loved reading about your Christmas with your grandchildren and children. We love you two. I still marvel that one of the most stressful times in our family's life was so wonderful and memorable. We will always be grateful for our time in your home.