Friday, May 22, 2009

Three Little Words

Yesterday was Relief Society at the Care Center.  After the meeting I spent time with a couple of women who needed me. As I was hurrying out to begin the very busy day I had planned, I came upon a dear woman named Esther. She was sitting in her wheel chair in the hall with her big blue padded restraining device which keeps her from falling out of the chair. I thought to myself, do I have time to visit with Esther? She is one who sometimes is lucid and most times not. There have been times when she could not remember her name. I was tempted to just hurry by and get on with my day. I looked at her sweet face and she smiled at me so of course, I had to visit. I approached her with "How are you doing today?" and a hug. She hugged me back and said into my ear "I Love You." 
 I know that she was having a good day and she would probably have said that to anyone who took the time to be with her, but I was the lucky one who heard those sweet words. I have heard it from others who live there but to connect with Esther and have that great response from her was a blessing indeed.
Here's the lesson: You never know whose life can be touched by a small act of love. In my hurried schedule this prompting to stop and reach out to someone blessed my life more than hers I'm sure. "Take time to smell the roses." Everything else can wait.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

This is so true. Thanks for the reminder. I have so much to do, but I am still finding opportunities to serve before I come to Utah.