Friday, May 22, 2009

Three Little Words

Yesterday was Relief Society at the Care Center.  After the meeting I spent time with a couple of women who needed me. As I was hurrying out to begin the very busy day I had planned, I came upon a dear woman named Esther. She was sitting in her wheel chair in the hall with her big blue padded restraining device which keeps her from falling out of the chair. I thought to myself, do I have time to visit with Esther? She is one who sometimes is lucid and most times not. There have been times when she could not remember her name. I was tempted to just hurry by and get on with my day. I looked at her sweet face and she smiled at me so of course, I had to visit. I approached her with "How are you doing today?" and a hug. She hugged me back and said into my ear "I Love You." 
 I know that she was having a good day and she would probably have said that to anyone who took the time to be with her, but I was the lucky one who heard those sweet words. I have heard it from others who live there but to connect with Esther and have that great response from her was a blessing indeed.
Here's the lesson: You never know whose life can be touched by a small act of love. In my hurried schedule this prompting to stop and reach out to someone blessed my life more than hers I'm sure. "Take time to smell the roses." Everything else can wait.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day

It all started with a Mother's Day lunch at Goodwoood with John and Alison and Abby. Yummy. We met on Saturday for this celebration. We had a great meal. David ordered a combination plate of ribs and when it came we all laughed at the HUGE amount of food that came. He shared but was also able to handle most of it himself. You must ask him about the blend of tastes and textures, he will be happy to elaborate. As we about to leave, Abby came lugging a huge wrapped package that contained a great lemonade cooler. It will come in so handy for the summer meals on the deck. It was so fun to be with this happy family.

Sunday, Chris and Lindsay came to our ward for church and Lindsay provided a wonderful lunch for us and for Brett's family. She shopped, cooked and presented a great meal. It was Awesome. She found new recipies in her first edition of Simple Magazine. Claudia and I enjoyed watching it all go on. As you can see, Christopher and Brett helped prepare the strawberry shortcake for dessert. They were good sons to participate in a preparation that is not their forte. Then they did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen!
This day I was showered with gifts from all including hand made cards, gift card, clothes, jewelry, makeup etc. I thought it was my birthday I was so spoiled! Matthew published his book "The Snake's New Friend" and gave it to me. The dedication said: "To all that believe that snakes are misunderstood." It's a work of art.
The greatest gift however, is the gift of time together. That is what I treasure most. This is an awesome family who loves each other. Even though Carrie and Randy are far away we always remember them at every gathering. Thanks to all of my wonderful family members for all your loving kindnesses. You make my heart sing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Huge Surprise

Last Wednesday night we had an appointment with a member of our Stake Presidency. He said that he just needed to see us for a few minutes after his meeting. So we waited, thinking that possibly we would be asked to speak at the upcoming Stake Conference perhaps about our experiences at the care center. The door bell rang at 9:05 pm and we opened it to see not the counselor but our Stake President on our door step. We warmly welcomed him and invited him in. We sat in the living room and visited for a while then I was asked to be excused. I went to the family room for what seemed to be a very long time. All kinds of possibilities crossed my mind but none were what actually happened. When David came to get me I asked him if I should be scared. "Terrified!" he replied. I knew then that it was not about me. I went back to see the president who then told me that David had been called to serve as the Bishop of the 27th East Ward. It was so out of the blue and shocking that we could hardly believe it. We have been out of our ward for months serving at the care center and very much unaware of the ward doings. We never concieved a single thought that we would be on the radar for anything like this with all the qualified people here. Then we remembered who chooses. I am constantly amazed at the loving, tender, personal involvement that our Heavenly Father has in our lives. We are humbled by this opportunity and we are willing. We have been blessed already. There has been a wonderful outpouring of love and support from our ward members welcoming us home. David will be a great bishop for sure. With the Lord on our side, who could fail?

Bishop Nielson with the Stake Presidency. Sunday, May 3, 2009 after the setting apart.

Roll back to earlier in the day. We invited our children to come to church with us on this Sunday. We made up a reason but did not tell them anything more. When the Bishop was released it was dead quiet in the chapel in anticipation. Then Pres. Richards announced that David S. Nielson had been called. The shock and amazement of our grandchildren and children was fabulous. We had been sitting on three short rows in the back of the chapel all bunched together. When the name was announced, Sarah said out loud with glee "WHAT?" then there was laughing and excited talking which had to be shushed. The looks of happiness and excitement were on all their faces. It was a very fun surprise and a great day. Now, my gentle reader, you can begin to pray for us!