Tuesday, April 14, 2009


After church on Easter we went to John and Alison's for an Easter dinner and birthday celebration for Alison. It was a lovely afternoon. Abby decorated paper sacks for all of us so that we could participate in the Easter Egg Hunt. I can't remember when I last went on an Easter Egg hunt! One little child and six adults had a great time.
Let the fun begin.
Abby and Uncle Chris racing to the back yard for more eggs!

Grampy gets an egg.

Alison finds another.
Abby wins!! She's the fastest and bestest egg finder of all.

The pals.
Sharing the pics.

Abby loves the new piano. She says it's hers. She's right.

Birthday girl, Alison with mom and daughter. Beautiful ladies.


Brett Nielson said...

Looks like fun! We should have had both families at our house. Maybe next year.

Carrie said...

Chris looks so handsome! All clean shavin and a great tie and shirt combo. I love that the adults went on the Easter egg hunt. That is classic! John also looks like he is comin' down. He looks good. Can't wait to see everyone!

Lauralee said...

There is nothing cuter than a toothless grin (if you're under 10 that is:) What a fabulous celebration!

katherine said...

What a great Easter.