Monday, December 28, 2009

The Grand Dog

This is the Grand Dog, Topher. He was the only member of his family not invited to Disneyland. Imagine that. His other grand mother was coming to Salt Lake to take care of him and her brother while the kids were gone. Sadly her plane was grounded in Oklahoma City and she couldn't make it here until the Monday after Christmas. Like the good grandparents that we are, we offered to take care of Topher. We picked him up Christmas night and brought him and his bed, food, treats, leash and blanky to our house. He made himself right at home and immediately bonded to both of us. We knew that he was a little insecure bacause he followed me to every room and even into the bathroom! Topher is a dog who just loves. He is also a dog who needs all you can give back. He curls up beside you and nuzzles his way to your lap, your chest and soon his little cute face is an inch away from yours. He burrows into every blanket or pillow. He perched between us as we watched television first loving on one of us then on the other. He was fickle and just wanted as much love as he could possibly get. Two is better than one you know. He decided that because he couldn't sleep with us he would claim the family room sofa for the night and during the day if he wasn't underfoot, he would claim a certain pillow on the living room sofa. If we left he would sit on the chair next to the livingroom window and wait for us by the door. I must say that we have never had warmer welcomes upon coming home. His excitement for our arrival is unmatched.
This morning as I was sleeping downstairs I heard his rapid fire descent on the stairs and then his happy, wagging body jumping on the bed and on me waking me up. I had to laugh at his greeting. He circled on top of the bed, nestled in and out of the pillows and under my arms, on my chest and declared his total confidence that I was that happy to see him too. What a guy. He made us laugh with his sounds and his snoring and his intense chasing of whatever might have ever been out in our yard barking at who knows what every time he ventured out. He did not just go outside. He jetted from the door to the bushes barking all the way. Topher was an experience. I think we bonded! Help!!

Christmas Day

Christmas morning we went to Brett's at 9am and took our gifts. Everyone was excited and anxious to tell us all about the gifts they received and the best one of all. It was a surprise trip to Disneyland that very day! What a hard secret to keep for Brett and Claudia. Their resourcefulness made it very affordable and off they went that afternoon. Surely Claudia will give the details on her next blog post.

Here are Sarah and Analisa in the hats that we gave them. They were so excited to get them. I was relieved that we had done a good job of choosing.
The sad part of this story is that after we left Brett's house and got to Johnny's my camera malfunctioned and I did not get one picture of anything there. What a sad thing for me. Alison had prepared a wonderful lunch and we opened our gifts with them. After playing with Abby and eating the delicious lunch, we (David, me, Alison and Lindsay) found ourselves sleepy and the sofa so comfy that we all z-z-z-z-z-d off. It was a lovely day; full of family, food and love. Perfect in every way but one....the camera.

The Favorite Night of the Year

Three tables are set and the food is in the oven. We're dressed and everything is ready and awaiting the arrival of the family. The first to arrive is the John Family.After our lovely dinner we went to the family room for the traditional rendition of the Nativity. Abby is always "Mary" as she is the only girl in the right age group, Joseph is always "Joseph", Matthew is always a wiseman and this year he is accompanied by his cousins Noah and Jacob. Samuel represents the shepherds and Katherine is truely well cast as the angel. The children were very reverent as they had been taught and I think it helped not to have the fathers as the funky wisemen. Thanks to Jacob and Noah there were no dads allowed.We sang a few Christmas hymns while the Nativity Scene was present and it was so lovely. Alison's mom's husband sang a solo and so did Sarah. Both were charming and sweet.We played a game with Dollar Store gifts and as you see, Jacob got a football. Crystal had the best time of all during this game. Her laughter made all of us laugh. She thought everything was funny. So great to have her. She's a one woman entertainment center.We also had a great time playing the bells. We were actually good enough to make it through some Christmas songs and at the end of each success arose a loud cheer of accomplishment.Christopher and his girlfriend, Laura, came late after most of the food and festivities were over but they did make it to the end of the present game. We all love it when he gets here. His month has been so long and hard with all the gifts to deliver but it is a time of good financial rewards.  Lindsay, Chris, Laura stayed late making up for the time we missed. It was a wonderful evening with our family. David and my most favorite time of the Christmas season: Christmas Eve.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

December Days

We have had many wonderful concerts to attend, people to visit, programs to attend, birthdays and our anniversary this month. These are a few pictures of some of these great events.
Joseph's Christmas Play. Awesome. All of the second grade children were well rehearsed and the music was performed with choreography. Every child was confident and knew his/her part perfectly. It reminded me of Christmas past where the Christmas programs were always about Christmas. Lovely.Christopher's Birthday. Check out all the candles. ugh! What does that mean for me???? Happy birthday, funky uncle Chris. You are the best!
Marlene, Susan, David and I had a Christmas dinner at Marlene's home. It was decorated to the nines. Beautiful. Tom and Bob were otherwise obligated so we missed having them. It was great to have a time together to catch up on all of our busy lives. Marlene is always a great hostesses.
Here is Sarah greeting the guests at the annual Christmas cello concert. Who wouldn't be happy just to see this girl welcoming you and telling you where to go! You can see her happy face before the concert at one of the University of Utah concert halls. What a great way to celebrate the season. Beautiful children, beautiful music, beautiful time of year.Merry Christmas to all.
The birthday party crew.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Season is Upon Us

The Friday after Thanksgiving while David was at the BYU/Utah football game I rocked through the house getting ready for the Christmas Season. It took more than just that day but we are almost ready for the big event. It is a wonderful season that makes me so grateful for the gospel and our Savior and for the forever family that can be ours. You are my gifts and treasures.
We celebrated our Anniversary December 5th because of David's very busy Bishoping day on Sunday. We were going to take a picture in our Sunday best but just in case we couldn't get to it we snapped this one the day before. Not our best but ok. Sunday after dinner we were relaxing with Lindsay and Chris and his girlfriend, Laura when Brett and Claudia arrived to take us to Matthew's Salt Lake Children's Choir performance in the Catholic Cathedral. When we were accepting congratulations on our anniversary, I said that it was our 45th. Brett said "Mom, I'm 45!" What??? Had we lost a year? Well, turns out...Whose counting when you're having fun. 46 it is! Wow! I don't feel much older than 45 myself! Senior moment? Maybe, but yes, I do know my name and how old I am. Don't worry.
This is the beautiful cathedral. The concert was amazing. Those children's voices were one pure voice. Everyone should have a chance to go to this concert. I thought I was hearing angels.

Matthew at intermission looking so handsome. He is the youngest one in the advanced choir. This is the only good picture I got of him because we couldn't see him from where we were sitting during the performance. Thankfully, Claudia took this for me.
So with all the concerts and preparations we are already loving the season. Merry Christmas to all.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanks be to God

The food's in the oven,
The table is set.
We're having Thanksgiving,
The best dinner yet.
The family's arriving
Sweet smells fill the air.
We're full of the spirit of loving and care.
We're grateful for all that's so bounteously given
To us and to ours,
It's a gift straight from heaven.
So let us remember all the year through,
All the blessing He gives to us and to you.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Morning on Temple Square

A friend and I went to Temple Square to play with our cameras one morning last month. She is a photographer and I was the student. Here are some of my pics. Enjoy