Friday, November 7, 2008


Some Things for which I’m Grateful

Sunshine… Western skies… Cumulus clouds… Mountains… Valleys… Rocks… Lakes and streams… Wildflowers… Western dirt

Good Friends… Fireplaces…Photographs… a Warm house in winter… Hot chocolate in Christmas mugs with marshmallows … Music

Mom…Dad… Brent.. Laurel.. Grandparents… the Gospel

Family stories… Family albums… Family dances… Family Gatherings… Home movies… Traditions… David

Birds at the feeder…. Water fountains… Flower Gardens… Autumn leaves… Big, gently falling snowflakes… Moonlight… Christmas lights…. Christmas carols…. Temple Square… Stars

Brett.. John.. Carrie.. Lindsay.. Christopher.. Randy.. Claudia.. Alison

Birthday parties… 4th of July… Fireworks… Rodeos… Horses… The American flag… Small silver cap guns… Cowboy boots… Patriotic music… Thanksgiving…Christmas

Fresh air…Smells of dinner cooking… Hearty warm bread… Real butter… Homemade jam… Motherhood… Food in the pantry… Pretty dishes… Chocolate

Candles… Books… Bifocals… Comfortable chairs... comfortable sofas… Reading lights…Poetry that tells a story… Nativity sets

Children who call me grandma… Spencer.. Sarah.. Analisa.. Gabrielle.. Katherine.. Ansley.. Christiana.. Matthew...Eliza...Joseph...Abby...Samuel

Snuggly little ones leaning against my shoulders… Small Jammies with feet… Baby shoes… Bath time… Bedtime stories

Movies… Motorcycle trips… Ice cream… Red Licorice…Freedom… Saturday mornings… The United States of America

Writing instruments… Colored paper… white paper… Book stores… Home stores… Greeting cards… New anything

Fresh cotton sheets… Hot water… Bubble baths… Thick cotton Towels… Scented soaps… Toenail polish… Shampoo that smells like coconut

Dogs leaning out car windows… Cats purring… Birds that talk… Cows grazing on the landscape

Telephones…Television… Airplanes… Automobiles… Airmail...My Computer

Hard times… Challenges… Illness… Loneliness… Anxiety… Questioning… Losing… Mourning… Overcoming… Growing

Primary children… Primary songs… People with Wisdom… Scriptures… Inspirational speakers… Gospel art… Testimony… Sharing… Peace

Temple worship…Initiatory blessings… Priesthood Blessings…Baby Blessings…Baptismal blessings… Sealings… Ordinations… Symbolic white… Quiet

Seeing… Hearing… Smelling…Tasting…Touching… Feeling… Moving… Stretching… Resting… Learning

Heavenly Father… Jesus Christ… The Plan…
Birth… Breath… Resurrection

Happy Thanksgiving Days


Carrie said...

That's the BEST thing I ever read. I'm crying.

Claudia said...

And we are grateful for YOU!

Thanks for sharing so freely with us. We love you!

The Stanley's said...

You are on my list. You are beautiful! This made me so happy.

katherine said...

I am soooooooo grateful for everything the Savior has put in our lives.


Brett Nielson said...

There's no question that we a blessed beyond measure!

Thanks for your beautiful words.