Saturday, June 21, 2008

Miracles Happen

Years ago David had an assignment as a home teacher to a family who had become less active. They were a darling, young family and new in our ward. Their names were Teri and Bill Boulter. They were expecting a baby; two in fact. In David’s warm, delightful way he went to visit. He stood alone on the doorstep and as they answered the door, he introduced himself as their home teacher. He was welcomed in and in this friendly conversation he pointed out that they needed to come to church as he would not allow any of his families to be inactive. He told of all of the virtues of the Hamilton Ward and left the challenge for them to join us on Sunday. It must have been the right thing at the right time because they were not offended at his pointed suggestion. They came that Sunday as they now had a friend there. As time went on we became good friends and did many things together.

Unfortunately, Teri’s pregnancy ended early and two little baby boys were born 10 weeks before they were due. They were in trouble. Their lungs were not fully developed. They had a condition called Hyla Membrane disease. (I'm not sure how to spell it but it was a Chronic Lung disease not uncommon to premature infants). The babies were at high risk for fluid build up, infection and lack of oxygen. They were in intensive care immediately at birth. The situation was grave.
Bill called to tell David that Teri had had the babies early and that they were very sick.
He could hear the concern and stress in the voice of this first time father and friend.
David, through the inspiration of the Lord, said “We need to give them a blessing.” The message had come to him immediately and was strong. David met Bill at the hospital. The babies were tiny and on oxygen. They looked pretty pathetic. Doctors and nurses were scurrying around everywhere. The bright lights and the business of the unit were hardly conducive for a Priesthood blessing yet the prompting continued urgent. Bill and David told the staff of their desire to give the babies a blessing. The staff was resistant and said they could do it another time. The babies could not be taken out of the incubator nor could it be opened to accomodate the laying on of hands. Bill was tentative and wanted the best for his babies; unsure of how to proceed. David felt impressed that it must be done now.
In the hustle and bustle of that room, they laid their hands on the top of each glass incubator as a blessing was pronounced upon each child. The room became totally silent to David as he gave the blessings. To him there was no noise, no movement, no intrusions as they entreated the Lord for the healing blessings.
The next morning the doctor came in and was told that the babies had a good night and that they were breathing room air. He couldn’t believe it and asked for the records. The records confirmed that they had been born with Chronic Lung Disease. The doctor asked for the X rays and upon reading them found absolutely no sign of the disease. He was sure that they had given him the wrong X Rays and ordered another set. Again, absolutely no sign of the disease.
On the official medical records of both boys was written these words “immediate improvement following Mormon blessing”.

This miracle occurred because a priesthood holder was worthy to hear, was prepared, and was willing to courageously follow the promptings of the Lord. This is not an isolated incident. This kind of thing happens continually among church members all over the world.
This example of listening, being worthy, being prepared and willing to following the promptings of the Lord even when it seems to be wrong to some, strengthens my testimony of the living Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The twins, Brett and Blake are healthy, vibrant, grown men with families on their own. Their parents, their sisters, their wives and children remain true to the faith. The following scripture touches my heart and validates the Lord's involvement in our lives. Bill and David were on the Lord's errand that day and this "small thing" in that moment of time, was truly great.
Wherefore, as ye are agents, ye are on the Lord's errand; and whatever ye do according to the will of the Lord is the Lord's business.
And he hath set you to provide for his saints in these last days,
Wherefore, be not weary in well–doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
(Doctrine and Covenants Section 64:29-30,33)

The picture above of Teri, Bill and Blake was taken in June 2008. They are forever our friends .


Carrie said...

I have never heard that beautiful story. That scripture is powerful. Thank you for sharing.

Brett Nielson said...

I remember when the boys were born and that they were premature. I never heard the fabulous miracle story 'till your father's day talk. Dad took no credit for the miracle that was performed by the Lord.