Monday, May 26, 2008

John Marlowe and Mary Nielson

J. Garth and Ada Brown

Today is Memorial Day. The family will gather at our home and we will visit the graves in memory of our loved ones. We will tell stories of their lives. We will feel that their presence in our lives was remarkable. We will wish that we could see them again and ask them the questions that we forgot to ask when they were with us. Some of the children will feel a loss at not remembering them or at never having met them. There is a phrase in the Book of Mormon that says "oh remember, remember, remember" speaking of our Savior. Today, I think of it as it pertains to our family now gone.

Let's remember Mary Shindler Nielson for her valient testimony. Let's remember Jesse Marlowe Nielson for his love of family history. Let's remember Ada Cole Brown for her generous and loving nature. Let's remember John Garth Brown for his sense of humor and gentle ways. Let's remember Ansley Krogh who came and left before we got to know her. Let's remember Susanne Stanley for her happy, loving nature. Let's remember our aunts and uncles and grandparents who loved us and whose lives were a testimony of goodness. Let's remember our pioneer ancestors who gave up all for the sake of the gospel. Let's remember those who have sacrificed to keep our country free. Let's remember our Heavenly Father who gave us the love of a family. Let's remember that Families are forever. Happy Memorial Day.

1 comment:

katherine said...

That was a really neat experience grandma. Thanks for sharing those stories with all of us. I sure do wish i could have remembered them. They sound like marvelous people. I look forword to meeting them in the after life.
Proud to be your grandaughter,
Analisa Nielson