Sunday, April 4, 2010

I'm Back so here's the Update.

 It's Easter morning and we have been covered with snow again with a bigger storm coming later in the week. I am wondering about our Easter Egg Hunt today. The house is quiet but soon will be filled with the wonderful sounds of a family gathering. In these few minutes I will try to post a few pictures that will bring dear readers up to date on the happenings.
This was part of an ongoing birthday celebration. We celebrated with friends and family for about a week! So fun.

Sarah's high school play was the Boyfriend. She was a star of course. We went to my old high school, Highland where she attends the School for the Performing Arts within the school. Katherine played in the orchestra.
We took a trip to Orlando and we stayed at the beautiful Marriott Grande Vista Resort.Our first outing was church on Sunday morning. The ward was directly across the street from the Temple.
We then did all the touristy things like Sea World, Downtown Disney, Disney Hollywood and Epcot center. These are the pictures of all that fun.American Idol at Disney Hollywood. A show every hour or so. The winner of the day gets to be first in line at the next real audition. There was some pretty good talent. It was fun to vote electronically at our seats.

Epcot is always fun. Can you believe that these ostriches are made of plants? The grounds and entertainment are wonderful.Beauty and the Beast. Sorry the color isn't better but you can see how great the production was.

We had a great time. You can see why this is one of our favorite places to go.
We got another wonderful teenager this year. Katherine turned 13! How do you like my candle? It was all I could find. I have never run out of birthday candles before but it didn't seem to matter at all.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE all the pictures. Disney looked amazing and the resort is so beautiful. We love that place too. We gotta go for sure next year before Spinny graduates! No excuses. We are doing it. Are you in?

Carrie said...

so sorry, that was me again, not Christiana. She is always on google.

Ada's Girl said...

I'm still in!