Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas morning we went to Brett's at 9am and took our gifts. Everyone was excited and anxious to tell us all about the gifts they received and the best one of all. It was a surprise trip to Disneyland that very day! What a hard secret to keep for Brett and Claudia. Their resourcefulness made it very affordable and off they went that afternoon. Surely Claudia will give the details on her next blog post.

Here are Sarah and Analisa in the hats that we gave them. They were so excited to get them. I was relieved that we had done a good job of choosing.
The sad part of this story is that after we left Brett's house and got to Johnny's my camera malfunctioned and I did not get one picture of anything there. What a sad thing for me. Alison had prepared a wonderful lunch and we opened our gifts with them. After playing with Abby and eating the delicious lunch, we (David, me, Alison and Lindsay) found ourselves sleepy and the sofa so comfy that we all z-z-z-z-z-d off. It was a lovely day; full of family, food and love. Perfect in every way but one....the camera.


Brett Nielson said...

Thanks so much for taking care of that eager pup!

Carrie said...

Cute hats! I love seeing everyone so happy on Christmas morning. So sad that you didn't get any pictures at John's house. Did you get your camera fixed? I love your tradition of making the rounds to everyone's houses. Your like Santa Claus!