Thursday, March 19, 2009

Something To Think About

Today we had another great Relief Society lesson on hope and how it is the most powerful motivator perhaps even more than love. A story was told of how a five year old Jewish boy stayed alive in the concentration camps because of hope. Hope to get another meal, hope to see his family again, hope to be finally free etc. It was something to think about; faith, hope and charity.
Another sister brought a set of Noah and the Ark and gave the following remarks about it. This was a great lesson too.
1. Don't miss the boat.
2. Remember that we are all in the same boat.
3. Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.
4. Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
5. Don't listen to the critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
6. Build your future on high ground.
7. For Safety's sake, travel in pairs.
8. Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
9. When you're stressed, float a while.
10. Remember the Ark was built by amateurs. The Titanic was built by professionals.
11. No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting.
12. Remember Acts of Randon Kindness. ARK
Have a happy day.


Carrie said...

Love this. Those are great words to live by. I think I will refer to it often. How clever.

The Stanley's said...

I may have to borrow that for next months RS newsletter. If that's okay?

Ada's Girl said...

Anita please feel free to use it. It's great.