Thursday, March 19, 2009

Something To Think About

Today we had another great Relief Society lesson on hope and how it is the most powerful motivator perhaps even more than love. A story was told of how a five year old Jewish boy stayed alive in the concentration camps because of hope. Hope to get another meal, hope to see his family again, hope to be finally free etc. It was something to think about; faith, hope and charity.
Another sister brought a set of Noah and the Ark and gave the following remarks about it. This was a great lesson too.
1. Don't miss the boat.
2. Remember that we are all in the same boat.
3. Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.
4. Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
5. Don't listen to the critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
6. Build your future on high ground.
7. For Safety's sake, travel in pairs.
8. Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
9. When you're stressed, float a while.
10. Remember the Ark was built by amateurs. The Titanic was built by professionals.
11. No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting.
12. Remember Acts of Randon Kindness. ARK
Have a happy day.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Inspiration on a Sunday

We had a wonderful day at the care center yesterday for the following three reasons:
Number one: As I went into each room to invite people to Sacrament Meeting I felt impressed to find KJ, a loving woman in her fiftys who has been a long time resident, and to invite her. She had never come to anything the church provided, ever, although she is a member.
I found her just as she was going outside to smoke. I put my arm around her and said "I really want you to come to Sacrament Meeting today. My grandchildren are going to sing and I think you'll really enjoy it." She started to tell me all the reasons why she couldn't come, then she paused and thought a minute and asked if she could sit outside in the hall and see them. I said ofcourse. I didn't think she would really come or if she did come I thought that she would just listen to the kids then leave. I went downstairs and set up a chair for her then continued on to other residents. When we had gathered all who could come I went down to find KJ waiting at the door. I invited her to come in and sit by me near the door. She stayed for the whole lovely meeting! Afterward she asked me for the scripture that had been quoted by one of the speakers (Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy path.") I told her I would copy it and bring it up to her room.

Number two: Brett brought his family and he and Claudia along with Matthew and Sarah sang "A Child's Prayer" as a rest hymn. (children sing: Heavenly Father, are you really there? and do you hear and answer every child's prayer? Some say that Heaven is far away, but I feel it close around me as I pray. Heavenly Father, I remember now something that Jesus told disciples long ago: Suffer the Children to come to me, Father in prayer I'm coming now to thee. Parents sing: Pray, he is there, speak he is list'ning, You are his child His love now surrounds you. He hears your prayer; He loves the children. Of such is the kingdom, the kingdom of heav'n.) It was beautiful and I was so proud of them all. A speaker asked if anyone knew the 4th Article of Faith. Ofcourse, Katherine did and she recited it easily.
After the meeting was over and the socializing and and return of the residents was complete, I started to deliver the scripture that I had copied which brings me to Number Three:

The little boys who were circling around us; Matthew, Joseph and Samuel, wanted to come with me to deliver the scripture. I gabbed their hands and up the stairs we went. KJ wasn't in her room so we left it on her bed and visited with her room mate who was delighted to see those handsome boys. We left her room and continued down the hall as I introduced them to any residents that we encountered on our way. All were taken with these outgoing, confident, children. We stopped at Melba's room where she asked for a song. They sang "I am a Child of God" She asked them what they were going to be when they grew up. Samuel said "a firefighter" Joseph said "What my Dad is." Matthew said "a Rollercoaster Rater" Melba was delighted with their visit and they each gave her a hug as they left. She thanked them profusely for coming. It was like sunshine.
We got on the elevator to go down to the lobby when it stopped on the floor just below us where the paramedics were preparing to take someone to the hospital. We got off the elevator to make room for the stretcher and paramedics.
Since we were on that floor I said let' go see LC for a minute. LC is a young Catholic woman who had been interested in knowing more about the church because of the feelings she had experienced when attending our meetings. She had taken two missionary lessons but lately, she has been avoiding our meetings and has stopped the lessons. We went into her room and I introduced the boys. She met them warmly and was so happy to see them. They were in their Sunday best and everyone loved to see them like that. I told her that Matthew had sung in church that day. Just as I said that, Matthew began to sing "I Know that My Redeemer Lives". It was perfectly on pitch and the words were distinct and meaningful. He looked directly into her eyes as he sang. It was a testimony. His sudden singing had taken us all by surprise and as he continued, LC was overcome and tears streamed down her cheeks. The three boys then sang "I am a Child of God". She was filled up and grateful. They had brought the Spirit of the Lord right into that room. There were hugs all around and though these little guys were probably not aware of the blessings they brought that day, surely they were messengers from Heaven.
As I have said before, "How blessed can we be?" I wish you all could have been there.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Wrestler - no, not the movie.

Yesterday David and I went to Joseph's wrestling tournament at Olympus High School. Joseph is a second grader and a wirey little athlete. We found him as he came running across the gym to greet us upon our arrival. This tournament was for pre-schoolers to 4th graders. What fun it was to watch these little guys wrestling. The babies just grab and roll on each other but by the time it gets to the 4th graders there's some real wrestling. Joseph did very well. We were so proud of him. It reminded us of the wrestling days of Brett and John. They were in junior and high school. It was INTENSE. I could hardly breathe when my boys were on the mat. Every muscle I had was tightened as I pushed into David. Joseph's tournament was the first wrestling tournament since those Dunwoody days. What a contrast. I really loved watching Joseph do his thing. Here's the boy. Rock on Joseph!

A Visit to Atlanta

I arrived at the Atlanta airport in disbelief. This place is always jam packed with people elbow to elbow. This felt almost deserted; a comment on our economy! When going home, there was absolutely no one ahead of me in the security line! That says something for one of the busiest airports in America. Carrie picked me up and the fun began.

What a wonderful greeting I had from my little family. I'll briefly tell you of the race I had to keep up with Carrie and her everyday activities.

Up at 6:00 am to get the little girls off to school by 7; dressed, curled, combed,l unches packed, school bags emptied and refilled welcome the Early Morning Seminary students, later drive them to the bus stop, breakfast for Spencer and Gabi. Preparation for a neighborhood consignment sale, go to the sale, work at the sale, shop at 1/2 price day at 2 sales, teach 2 ballet classes and 2 aerobic classes, church meetings, presidency meeting, visiting teaching, grocery shopping, laundry again, dinner, dinner, dinner, dishes, dishes, dishes, bowling, lunches out, crop night, band concert, piano lesson, homework, projects.....shall I go on? I'm exhausted!
Here are some pics of the fun.

Thanks for the memories!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Done, Finished, Given

Well, it's done. The project that I had worked on for decades is finished. The days of writing of special events through the years has paid off.

I wanted to finish the book of memories that I felt might be of benefit to my children; ala the lessons learned, spiritual happenings and the recognition of the Lord's hand on so many occasions. I planned to give it to the children on my birthday so the final sprint was intense.

This was a spiritual journey for me as I have re-lived so many precious moments in my life. My creative days were filled with tears and laughter. It was a joy to do.

It was also exciting to take the flash drive, which contained all my work, to the printer and then to see it in all it's glory, bound together and ready to bestow.
We had a birthday party at Brett and Claudia's for the family. I was surrounded by my loved ones and when I presented the book, they were all appropriately happy for the gift. They began to leaf through it and then to declare themselves to be the"favorite". Brett was sure he held that title because of his picture with us on the cover. He was the baby. I told all the kids that it was a generic baby but obviously it was Brett. I used that picture because I thought David and I looked pretty good. It was taken in the glory days of our youth.John would declare his position by telling everyone to turn to page thus and such to prove his status as the favored one. There was lots of laughter and fun that night.
The next day I began to have doubts; was I too personal in my account, did I share too much, would my stories of them be received as I had intended? I rethought and rethought it all. I couldn't sleep worrying about it. Calls began to come asking for more clarity and I wondered if I had not been clear or were they not careful readers. The comments I have recieved have been positive. Some are reading it thoroughly, some are ramdomly reading. I designed it to be a "pick and choose" format. I hope that if there is a story that will help or give insight or strength, that it will be found. It's a tender sharing of my experiences and testimony. It is given with great love and appreciation to my wonderful children and their families.

..that our children may know…

Life Experiences of
Judith Kay Brown Nielson