Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Little Princess

Another blessing of living close to grandchildren is that there is always a game or a performance or a school event that makes life so happy. Last Saturday, 6:00pm we went to Sarah's vocal recital. Wow! all the singers were outstanding. Of course, we loved Sarah the most.  She looks pretty great  in her prom dress too. (She left right after to go to another prom) Brett just happened to wear a matching shirt. I wish someone had closed the door behind them but it was a rushed picture because the concert was about to begin. Cute couple no?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Stake Conference on Temple Square

We love going to Stake Conference in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. We feel so blessed to be in that historic building. After the conference we spent some time browsing the grounds. Enjoy the pictures. It was our only Spring day so far this year. Now I have pictures to prove it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Grandparents Day at the Grade School

For several years, David and I have been invited to Grandparents Day at the grade school of Brett's children. The 4th graders do a show for the grandparents and some perform with their grandparents. Every child makes a card with a description of each grandparent to present to them on this special day. This is our collection so far.
Here are the singers who did a great job.

We always enjoy our visits to the classroom afterward and the punch and cookies provided by our grandchild. This year was Matthew's turn. What a fun couple of hours. Thanks, Matthew.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mother's Day

It's great to be a mom. It's great when you have a house full of children. It's great when they begin to fly the nest and it's great when they are all independent and you are back in the honeymoon days. It 's great when you have beautiful children calling you grandma. My lovely loved ones continue to make me feel special on this day.
John, Alison and Abby made a lovely picnic for us at Sugar House Park the Saturday before Mother's day. It was so nice to just sit on a blanket and visit with nothing else on the agenda. The food was great and so was the visit.Doesn't this look good? I can tell you it was delicious. We enjoyed the park and the family so much. Thank you my dear ones for such a lovely day.Abby came dressed in her softball uniform. She had had a very good day on the ball field. Lots of hits, outs and runs. Way to go.

To my great surprise and delight, Christopher was not only in charge of the dessert the next day but he decided to make it as well. After church in he came with armloads of grocery bags with every ingredient needed to make his delicious dessert. The only thing I helped with was to tell him where the measuring cups and spoons were. He baked the cookies which were covered with vanilla ice cream and topped with butterscotch/carmel topping. Yum. for sure.Brett brought a delicious salad that he prepared. Check out that face. It is a very confident man there making salad. It was delicious.This empty pan was once full of lucious lasagna by Lindsay. She was the main dish provider and all around organizer of this Mother's day event.  Everyone made an effort to make sure that I felt loved and appreciated. It worked. Thank you all for being my children. I am many times blessed by all of you. It was another great day. You all are the Mother's Day gift!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

This is a picture of Spring in Utah. Ugh.