Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's Official

This is a picture of the Las Vegas Furniture Market. Pretty impressive I think.

Yes, it's true. I am now officially a senior citizen! ugh. I still feel like I'm in my fortys! David had to be in Las Vegas for the furniture market so I flew down to meet him at the end of the week. Here's the list of wonderful things he did to celebrate my birthday.
1. Thursday, the night I arrived in LV, he took me to a play at UNLV - Anne Frank -

2. Friday we went to the Lux, a great restaurant on the strip, and had a wonderful meal including dessert of course. It's a Cheesecake Factory upgrade.

3. After dinner we went to see Jersy Boys at the new Palazzo resort/hotel. It was a musical about Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Hence great music, dancing, touching and funny as well. Do you remember: "Big girls don't cry, Can't take my eyes off of you, or Sherry? This play won the 2006 Tony award on Broadway. We had to overlook the New Jersy language but the show was wonderful. I would go again.

4. Saturday we had a fabulous Mexican dinner after seeing an afternoon movie.

5. Sunday we drove home and changed clothes and went to Brett and Claudia's for a birthday dinner and celebration. We had tons of laughs and I loved seeing the kids tease each other about who might be the favorite. Brett was sure that he was! I'll tell you more about that later.

6. At the birthday party he gave us a day at the Spa!
I was totally spoiled and I liked it! I guess it's not so bad to turn 65 after all.

My children and grandchildren were wonderful and showered me with love and home made cards and gifts. Awesome.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How did I deserve this?

It seems that every opportunity to serve brings forth blessings. Today in RS at the Care Center we had another wonderful lesson but it was not just the lesson that made the day so great. What happens at the care center is that people love and care for each other in such tender ways. It is so thick that you can feel it. They love their room mates and make sure there is a place saved for them. They tell each other how beautiful they look. They are patient about all the waiting they have to do for just about everything. They love to come to our meetings. They love whatever you bring, in any form even if it is just yourself. I have taken to wearing more jewelry when I go there because it is so fun for them to see. They love their bracelets and you can find them on almost on every arm in multiples. Today at the end of our meeting, I told them that my heart had doubled in size since getting to know them because it was so full of love for them. I gave them each a valentine, as did our teacher, and some hershey kisses. I said that I knew that they loved me too. One 95 year old Catholic lady said "yeah, we do!' I wish you could have heard the inflection in her voice. It was precious. She and so many others are an inspiration to me. I feel so blessed to have been called here. How did I deserve this blessing???