Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Before and After

This is the real deal after I went to class!

The no help picture.
Amazing how much a teacher can help!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You Never Know

You never know what you can do until you try.
Well, I have always wanted to take an art class but I knew that I had no talent since my high school art class was such a nothing experience. So when my artist friend moved to town I felt safe enough to take a class from her. We started in October or November and I have enjoyed every lesson although every time I go there, the project she has chosen for us to do that day scares me to death! The hardest part is turning off the logical side of the brain and seeing through the creative side. Not easy at all. Since you is a sample of what I have been learning:

This is my teacher, Renon and my friend Susie who takes class with me. We are in Renon's dining room/studio
This is a drawing with watercolor.

This was the first day of class. Watercolor. 
This was a snowman that I loved when it was done. It is done with pastels.

Another watercolor.

Picture is not as good as the original oil painting. I couldn't get an angle with the camera that could capture the vibrant colors but you get the idea.

This winter scene was done with acrylics.

On my own, I tried to copy a picture of a grandchild. It's ok but hopefully I will get better.
Now you can see that I have been having fun at this art thing. We are exploring all kinds of materials. I'm not sure what I like the most but I do like the adventure of exploring a new thing in my life.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is Constance (in the middle) with her daughter and the missionary (Christopher) who was in the right place at the right time and brought the gospel to her which changed her life! She lives in Utah now and has brought that great zeal of a true convert with her. She feels it is her calling to bring back the lost ones who have wandered from The Church. She is fearless and bold. One day while working out at the gym she had a conversation with a young man who happened to live within the boundries of our ward. She boldly told him that he had a responsibility to contribute his time and efforts in building the Kingdom of God here on earth and that he had to get himself back to church. The next Sunday he arrived at our building asking for an appointment with the Bishop! That's power. There are many other stories I could tell of Constance but we are thankful for her being here and the enthusiasm she brings for the things we so easily take for granted.