Monday, October 24, 2011

70 Really???

Turning 70 is a big deal. It's not what you always look forward to but hey, it's here so might as well celebrate it a big way. The kids wanted to make it all about Dad so for a week and a half we celebrated with family and friends. It was very fun. We are so thankful for all of our friends and family that wanted to celebrate this milestone.
Thursday night Carrie and I went to David's fitness class with him. Here they are dancing together before class started.

It was a bit of chaos on Friday night when we invited our grandchildren up for a swim and celebration in Park city. The room wasn't big enough to accomodate us all but we we did get this picture of the boys just before they served the birthday cake to David. Yes, the girls were there too but somehow we didn't get pictures of them. Ugh.

The first of the birthday cakes. As David would say, it was a "moker".

We spent part of Saturday watching Analisa in a tennis match in Liberty Park.

Saturday night we were in Park City again with the "big kids". We went to David's favorite restaurant there and had a great time around the table eating a delicious meal and remembering. So fun.
The second birthday "cake" at Zoom.
For those who could stay Sunday after we watched hours of old home movies, we had the traditional family dance. I must confess it was wild and great. Chris brought some boomin' music and we cranked it up. The house was rockin' I'm sure the quiet neighbors across the street could hear it!

Through the generosity of our children, David got an Ipad 2. How about that happy face at the Apple store?
After the family celebration we had to say goodby to Carrie and Randy as they hurried back to Georgia and their waiting daughters. Thanks so much for coming. XOXO

Monday was his actual birthday and when we arrived at the club where he teaches fitness classes, we were surprised to see the decorated room and the fuss they made over this birthday. (check out the basket of apples for the class) No one could believe that he was actually 70. Neither can I.

This is a class picture taken on this birthday day after he killed us all with the workout.
The following Friday we had a gathering at our house for friends from the ward and neighborhood. We had lots of belly laughs that night and enjoyed every minute of it. I made it easy on myself and had Cafe' Rio bring the food. So yummy. The final birthday "cake" was Key Lime Pie!
                                                 Here's the birthday boy opening a present.
Renon and Craig....Just showing the love.
Those Nielson Kids: Marlene and David

So there it is. The Big Birthday Party. Let's all stay happy and healthy for the next one. Thanks everyone for sharing these wonderful days.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Awesome Trip to Idaho

We planned a family reunion last year hoping that everyone could come from far and near to be together for a weekend away.  Unfortunately, things change and we were missing some very important people. However, we viewed this as a dry run for next year. My dear brother, Brent and his wife, Sharyn, offered us the use of their "cabin" in Idaho for the weekend. I knew it would be a fun weekend but it exceeded all expectation! It was "entertainment every second". We all participated in bringing food and games and our meals were great. Brent and Sharyn knew every fun nook and cranny and shared all their toys with us. We were so happy that they were there with us. The adventures were non stop and we played outside all day every day somewhere on his 200 acres. Following are some pictures so you might get a small glimpse of the fun we had together.

This was our car packed to the top with gear for the weekend.

The children had a great time splashing in the lake while others were canoeing all around.

Every night was a bonfire with smores or smores and hot dogs cooked over the fire.

We rode in the back of the truck to the place where we could fire the guns at targets. Everyone got a chance to shoot.

Every child learned to drive the 4 wheelers. Of course, with an adult on the back. Some of the rides were pretty wild for sure.


Our awesome hosts just chillin' and watching everyone play in the water with their canoes etc.

This is a Cabin????

The trip was not complete for Lindsay until she got to drive the dump truck.

How about that wonder woman? She could hardly reach to push in the clutch which had to be double clutched to change gears.
Many thanks to all who came and made this such a fun memory.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


We had a wonderful Easter with this group above. We invited the girls downstairs to join us for Easter dinner which turned out to be really good.
A Happy Easter it was!

We had an Easter Egg hunt after dinner and since Chris and John hid all the eggs we all joined Abby in the hunt. It was a great event as we all learned something about Heather (girl on the left in the blue shirt. She is a chemical engineer with a master's degree. She is very soft spoken and seemingly shy until.....the Easter Egg hunt. We opened the door to go out and out she ran gathering eggs like a wild woman! We saw that so we all got into the game and everyone was running to get the eggs, Lindsay in her high heels! It was a laugh a minute. I wish it was on video. Heather was the winner of course but Abby came in a close second. It was the best hunt ever!
Here's some of the loot.
Yes, we did remember the true meaning of Easter and it isn't "presthanths".


Friday, April 15, 2011

Ahhhh Sunshine

                    Joy Joy Joy. We are at the Cocoa Beach in Florida with our grandchildren. We met Carrie and her girls in Orlando and had a wonderful week together. We were sad when we had to all go home.
                Wonderful Disney World
                   Fabulous, fabulous show.

Analisa just happened to be in Orlando with her school. What a great surprise for the cousins.
                               The cousins!
With the week of 80 degree weather we came home to rain and snow. Ugh

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Before and After

This is the real deal after I went to class!

The no help picture.
Amazing how much a teacher can help!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You Never Know

You never know what you can do until you try.
Well, I have always wanted to take an art class but I knew that I had no talent since my high school art class was such a nothing experience. So when my artist friend moved to town I felt safe enough to take a class from her. We started in October or November and I have enjoyed every lesson although every time I go there, the project she has chosen for us to do that day scares me to death! The hardest part is turning off the logical side of the brain and seeing through the creative side. Not easy at all. Since you is a sample of what I have been learning:

This is my teacher, Renon and my friend Susie who takes class with me. We are in Renon's dining room/studio
This is a drawing with watercolor.

This was the first day of class. Watercolor. 
This was a snowman that I loved when it was done. It is done with pastels.

Another watercolor.

Picture is not as good as the original oil painting. I couldn't get an angle with the camera that could capture the vibrant colors but you get the idea.

This winter scene was done with acrylics.

On my own, I tried to copy a picture of a grandchild. It's ok but hopefully I will get better.
Now you can see that I have been having fun at this art thing. We are exploring all kinds of materials. I'm not sure what I like the most but I do like the adventure of exploring a new thing in my life.