Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chrissy Boy - The Funky Uncle

This very day in 1976 a little baby boy was born to a grateful family of two brothers and two sisters. We celebrated another birthday Sunday afternoon because of his crazy, busy, work schedule at this time of year. Here are some highlights of then and now and before. Enjoy


Let the Party begin!

Who couldn't love this little baby?

A Children's Christmas Program

Every year we look forward to the grade school Christmas programs. There is nothing like this to send you back to your memories of days in school. This year we went to Abby's program which was great as usual. We had hoped to spend a bit more time with her after the show but it was school as usual. She ran out of her classroom to give us a hug and allow us to take this picture.

Sorry this isn't in good focus but you get the idea of how cute the kids are.  Merry Christmas.

The Devine Dinner

We wanted to thank the Bishopric for all their support for David in the ward so we invited them and their spouses for dinner. Our dear friend, Sister Devine, wanted to cook the dinner for us. What a treat that was. She is a gourmet cook and loves every aspect of preparing a meal. Going shopping with her for the food was a treat in itself. She said there just aren't enough meals to cook. I wish I felt like that. It was such a fun night with our friends and me not worrying about the food. I was just able to enjoy it all. Thanks dear friend. You are a blessing.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Snowbabies









Eliza Jane


Now you all will know which ornament is yours!

Our door is always open.

Just come over.

You all know where we live.

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

Winter has arrived with all it's glory.

I'm not sure that the birds can find their breakfast.
The Grandchildren's Tree
Each grandchild has an Snow Babies ornament purchased the year they were born. Every Christmas they ask "Which one is mine?" I have to go to my list to tell them.

I decided to simplify the mantle this year. Can you find the mice?
Close up of the family room tree.

Close up of the grandchildren tree. This Snow Baby is Christiana's and Samuels is in the background on the left beside the little bird.
This pic is a washed out version of the family room tree. It looks great in person.
So now we are ready and it is time for you to Come over!