Saturday, January 16, 2010

Deer Ones

I need a sign. I need a sign that says "Deer Crossing" or maybe it should say "Dear Resort and Winter Camp" Every winter we have any where from 1 or 2 to 5 or 6 deer guests that enjoy lounging and having lunch or dinner in the back yard. They visit continually and I continue to take pictures of them. The latest guests were here yesterday, basking in the sun and eating any and everything. I must say that I love to look at them and I wonder how anyone can hunt and have them for dinner but they certainly are abundant with no natural predators. The only down side is that they eat my tulips and other garden delicacies in the spring and they leave a winters full of dropping evidence that must be deaalt with, come the warm weather. The Georgia Grandchildren are both scared and facinated with them when they have their summer visits. It is pretty exciting to look out the window and see these beautiful animals. So here is the latest visiting family. There were four. I love the little buck who has only one antler and can't help but wonder how the other broke off. So if anyone has a "Deer Crossing" sign, I'll be glad to post it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's a New Year

I still can't get it into my head that it is 2010. My hand won't write it without thinking that it can't be true. When I was young, I couldn't imagine that I would live until the year 2000 but here I am loving life and still keeping up. I am so grateful for my health and physical abilities. The second bout with Cancer was a real blow last year but I am happily healed and optomistic about the future.
2009 was a hard year for many of my family members and friends. It seemed like we were all being bombarded with personal challenges and our country experienced some of the most dramatic changes I have ever seen. I have always been grateful for the privlege of living in this blessed country but lately I have felt the greater need to more fervently pray for the preserving of our freedoms and for the righteousness of our citizens. A friend said one day..."If this is what it takes to bring the second coming, bring it on!"  When I get discouraged I remember our dear President Hinckley who reminded us that we are living in difficult times but that we are also living is the very best of times. He was always cheerful and optomistic.

I look forward to this new year with a brightness of hope and I count my blessings which are many. Life is good. Challenges make us better. Heavenly Father lives and loves us and we are saved by our loving Jesus Christ. My family awesome. What could be better that that? Happy New Year. Bring it on 2010.