Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Cul de sac of Fire!

In spite of the missing sick ones, ie Brett, John and Samuel, we celebrated Pioneer day in the usual fashion. David did his magic on the grill and everyone came back for more, even the little ones. Those hamburgers are incredible.
We invited all of Claudia's sisters and their families to share the day. They brought delicious salads, and desserts to share. There were 10 adults and 15 children.
I, being somewhat incapacitated became the Queen and they all took care of everything including all the cleanup.

At dusk the traditional cul de sac of fire began with a very appreciative audience.
The director of the event was Christopher who entertained despite the loss of his team of brothers. He was assisted this year by Omar and Jody who stepped in to cover the loss.

At the end of a fun day we were graciously thanked by each and every child and adult. What a wonderful family.


Whenever we go on an adventure we make sure that we find a church for Sunday. This is the ward in Taos, New Mexico. Pretty cool Huh? We had taken a beautiful ride through Colorado to Taos. It's a charming little town with lots of art galleries and restaurants.

We went into the mountains to visit a Viet Nam Vetran's Memorial. It was very sobering. We learned that New Mexico lost more men in battle than any other state. What a sad thing that any young man or woman has to go to war but how grateful we are for those who protect our freedoms. God Bless America.

This is a view at dusk of a town square in Taos. Very charming. the next day we traveled down to Santa Fe where we spent a day loving this artsy town. It too had a square in the Old Town area. It was full of performers who came every hour to entertain the tourists.

This is one of many little courtyards tucked in here and there. This one had a great Mexican restaurant where we dined one evening.

Very talented street performers were everywhere. It was such a fun trip.

The Number One

He is a #1 DAD!

Here's Dad describing the wonderful features of his new Merrill shoes. Everyone paid careful attention. Matthew can't wait to get some now.

Celebrating Father's Day.

There is love all around.