Tuesday, April 14, 2009


After church on Easter we went to John and Alison's for an Easter dinner and birthday celebration for Alison. It was a lovely afternoon. Abby decorated paper sacks for all of us so that we could participate in the Easter Egg Hunt. I can't remember when I last went on an Easter Egg hunt! One little child and six adults had a great time.
Let the fun begin.
Abby and Uncle Chris racing to the back yard for more eggs!

Grampy gets an egg.

Alison finds another.
Abby wins!! She's the fastest and bestest egg finder of all.

The pals.
Sharing the pics.

Abby loves the new piano. She says it's hers. She's right.

Birthday girl, Alison with mom and daughter. Beautiful ladies.

He is Risen

We began our lovely Easter morning at the Care Center with our friends. The Sacrament meeting was exceptional and after two wonderful speakers we had time for a few testimonies. I just had to get up. My father was the last of our parents to be with us and when he died I felt so lonely. In my nightly prayers I began to feel the power of Christ's gift of the Resurrection. He literally died that we might live again and that promise gives me comfort and peace. I am so grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ and grateful that on Easter Morning all Christians celebrate together and remember that great gift that He only could give.

"But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive" (1 Corinthians 15:2022).

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Girl

Lindsay is having a birthday. It's a great excuse for getting the family together. Here are some pics of this fun celebration.

Lessons from Shirley

Shirley has been a long time resident at the care center where we serve. She is a person with a dramatic sense of style. She makes everyone smile when they see her. She is a happy person and you can tell that easily by the way she puts herself together. Everything is colorful and a bit over the top.

Last Thursday Shirley left us for the next adventure in another dimension. We are saddened and will miss her light and I'm sure Heaven will never be the same.
Here is some wisdom that I learned from her:
If you feel terrible and hurt all over just keep going. Participate in everything you can. Never complain about your situation or your pain. Keep writing thank you notes and put a little extra in your efforts. Be happy. Be patient. Look forward to tomorrow. Keep on keeping on. Thanks Shirley, I will try to remember all the things you modeled for us and for sure, we will never forget you, Miss Hollywood.