Friday, November 28, 2008

A Day of Thanks

The daybefore Thanksgiving found me happily baking in my kitchen. There were pies to be made; pumpkin, pecan and apple. I have sort of been out of practice so this was fun getting into the groove again. The next day it was orange rolls. All of it turned out well.
David, Chris and I went to John and Alison's for Thanksgiving this year. Lindsay went to her boyfriend's family and Brett and Claudia et al went to Moni's. This left an opening for Alison to have us at her house along with her father and William. There were eight of us at the table. Abby set the table and made place cards for us all then selected the seating arrangements. The food was fabulous. They did a great job. After dinner we cleaned up the kitchen and left for a movie. What fun. We arrived at home about an hour before Brett and family and Lindsay and her Chris came for a visit. We love it when they descend upon us. Lindsay and Chris took Analisa and Kathering to Chris' for a Rock Band party and the rest of us watched the Polar Express. What a lovely story. Here are some pics of our happy day.

Abby looked so adorable and you can see the love she has for Uncle Chris. Her toothy smile is the best!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Latest Project

It seems that I am drawn to the computer for many reasons. The first being that I love getting emails and blog notifications from my friends. Secondly, I have just purchased a new program which manages my pictures and I am learning about how it works. Thirdly, I have been working on my personal history sporadically for several months. (I am being obedient to my blessing.)I am calling this my latest project.

Writing one's personal history is not an easy thing. I don't want to bore anyone who might be interested in reading it but I want to remember to put in writing the significant parts of my life. I also want my readers, if there be any, to learn something that might be of help to them so I am rolling along with it. Some things are difficult to remember like the details of some family events many years ago, and some are difficult to write about such as the heartache and joy of caring for my father during his final weeks almost two years ago. Those recent, memories flood back bringing with them the torrents as well as the still waters. I haven't faced this one yet. Writing of my childhood, my romance, marriage and the birth of each child has been a pleasure. It takes me back to those busy days and helps me realize what precious times they were. Life rushes by and before you know it, you're a grandma sitting at your computer remembering. Couldn't it slow down a minute? I still feel like a young woman!

Here's a word to the wise: If you take pictures be sure to label them with dates and circumstances and if you really want to remember your life 40 years from now, write about it now.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Some Things for which I’m Grateful

Sunshine… Western skies… Cumulus clouds… Mountains… Valleys… Rocks… Lakes and streams… Wildflowers… Western dirt

Good Friends… Fireplaces…Photographs… a Warm house in winter… Hot chocolate in Christmas mugs with marshmallows … Music

Mom…Dad… Brent.. Laurel.. Grandparents… the Gospel

Family stories… Family albums… Family dances… Family Gatherings… Home movies… Traditions… David

Birds at the feeder…. Water fountains… Flower Gardens… Autumn leaves… Big, gently falling snowflakes… Moonlight… Christmas lights…. Christmas carols…. Temple Square… Stars

Brett.. John.. Carrie.. Lindsay.. Christopher.. Randy.. Claudia.. Alison

Birthday parties… 4th of July… Fireworks… Rodeos… Horses… The American flag… Small silver cap guns… Cowboy boots… Patriotic music… Thanksgiving…Christmas

Fresh air…Smells of dinner cooking… Hearty warm bread… Real butter… Homemade jam… Motherhood… Food in the pantry… Pretty dishes… Chocolate

Candles… Books… Bifocals… Comfortable chairs... comfortable sofas… Reading lights…Poetry that tells a story… Nativity sets

Children who call me grandma… Spencer.. Sarah.. Analisa.. Gabrielle.. Katherine.. Ansley.. Christiana.. Matthew...Eliza...Joseph...Abby...Samuel

Snuggly little ones leaning against my shoulders… Small Jammies with feet… Baby shoes… Bath time… Bedtime stories

Movies… Motorcycle trips… Ice cream… Red Licorice…Freedom… Saturday mornings… The United States of America

Writing instruments… Colored paper… white paper… Book stores… Home stores… Greeting cards… New anything

Fresh cotton sheets… Hot water… Bubble baths… Thick cotton Towels… Scented soaps… Toenail polish… Shampoo that smells like coconut

Dogs leaning out car windows… Cats purring… Birds that talk… Cows grazing on the landscape

Telephones…Television… Airplanes… Automobiles… Airmail...My Computer

Hard times… Challenges… Illness… Loneliness… Anxiety… Questioning… Losing… Mourning… Overcoming… Growing

Primary children… Primary songs… People with Wisdom… Scriptures… Inspirational speakers… Gospel art… Testimony… Sharing… Peace

Temple worship…Initiatory blessings… Priesthood Blessings…Baby Blessings…Baptismal blessings… Sealings… Ordinations… Symbolic white… Quiet

Seeing… Hearing… Smelling…Tasting…Touching… Feeling… Moving… Stretching… Resting… Learning

Heavenly Father… Jesus Christ… The Plan…
Birth… Breath… Resurrection

Happy Thanksgiving Days

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Party! Party!

In celebration of two new babies who have come to our family, there was a gathering at Tom and Susan's on Sunday. It was great to mix and mingle with our loved ones. Here are some photos. Sorry I didn't get good ones of the babies; William (Leslie's baby on John's left arm) and Jenna (Matthew's baby on his right arm). John loved holding them both. As things died down and just a few of us were left, we had a concert from everyone who wanted to participate. What a talented family. Participants were, Christian, Leslie, Maren, Joseph, Matthew, Analisa and Sarah. There was music all around!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sad/Happy Goodby?

My new calling to the care center is a big job. It requires lots of attention as new people are always coming in. My mission to the Family History Library ends at the end of this month so here's the dilemma. I will miss my friends at the library. It is a fun Wednesday group. It keeps me thinking about my genealogy. It is a reason to dress up and get out of the house and I love the parking pass! On the other hand my head is somewhere else now. I dream about the sisters in the care center! I am involved there at least three days a week. I am on a leave of absence from the library so I have a little time to make sure that I really want to leave it. Last Wednesday some of my Wednesday friends and I went to lunch together. It was a little good bye party for me. I said "What if I don't want to leave now and you have bought my lunch?" They laughed and said that they would love it if I came back. It's tempting. Any advice or suggestions?? Here is the picture we took that day.