Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day continued


The gathering Sunday at Garth and Ada Brown's gravesite.

Memorial Day has usually found us in sunshine and blue sky. This year all the sunshine came from within our home. Thirty plus members of our family gathered in remembrance of those beyond. We planned a brunch at 10am and as we filled our tummys we watched for a break in the rain so that we could walk over to the gravesites. The break came around 1pm. We quickly gathered the children and adults, grabbed umbrellas and stroller and started out. We first visited the gravesite of Suzanne Stanley. Many remembrances of her were given.

We then went on to the J. Marlowe and Mary Nielson site.

Here we listened to a Hymn sung by our granddaughter, Sarah Nielson "How Great Thou Art" It was beautiful.

The rains held for both gatherings then we went to find President Hinckley's site. Many people were gathered around there and the flowers left were abundant. We paused there for a few minutes then felt the rain coming. We quickly walked toward our welcoming, warm home as the rain then hail descended upon us.

We snacked on the left over food. Our visit together lingered on. I think prior to our day together we were unaware of the hunger we all had to be near one another. The last guests left around 4pm. All left wanting more. This is the beginning of a large family tradition. Mary and Marlowe would be happy to know of the loved gathered in their home which is still the home of the Nielson's.

Monday, May 26, 2008

John Marlowe and Mary Nielson

J. Garth and Ada Brown

Today is Memorial Day. The family will gather at our home and we will visit the graves in memory of our loved ones. We will tell stories of their lives. We will feel that their presence in our lives was remarkable. We will wish that we could see them again and ask them the questions that we forgot to ask when they were with us. Some of the children will feel a loss at not remembering them or at never having met them. There is a phrase in the Book of Mormon that says "oh remember, remember, remember" speaking of our Savior. Today, I think of it as it pertains to our family now gone.

Let's remember Mary Shindler Nielson for her valient testimony. Let's remember Jesse Marlowe Nielson for his love of family history. Let's remember Ada Cole Brown for her generous and loving nature. Let's remember John Garth Brown for his sense of humor and gentle ways. Let's remember Ansley Krogh who came and left before we got to know her. Let's remember Susanne Stanley for her happy, loving nature. Let's remember our aunts and uncles and grandparents who loved us and whose lives were a testimony of goodness. Let's remember our pioneer ancestors who gave up all for the sake of the gospel. Let's remember those who have sacrificed to keep our country free. Let's remember our Heavenly Father who gave us the love of a family. Let's remember that Families are forever. Happy Memorial Day.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Near the beautiful Table Rock Lake. This is a lovely park which borders the docking of the Branson Belle Showboat.

The rains of spring have risen the level of the water. I couldn't help but love the reflection it created.

Well, here's the scoop on Branson, Missouri. We took a trip there in early May with my brother, Brent and his wife Sharyn. We were not really sure what to expect other than a lot of country music shows. We like country music but we're not really up on it nor have we listened to it most of our lives. We like live shows. So we liked the idea of Branson. Brent and Sharyn had been there several times before so they knew the ropes. We think it exceeded our expectations!

Branson is a small town of 6,000 people but they get 8 million visitors a year! The reason?? It is great. We went to at least 2 shows a day. They were all different with something to love about each one. I don't think I have laughed more in a week that at Branson. Most shows had comedy woven in with the music and dance. It was always clean and always fun. You can even take your camera in to the shows. It's low key and family friendly but some of the shows had outstanding production quality.

People are friendly there. Nobody looks scary or threatening. It is in the heart of the Bible belt and that is a great influence on everything.

Silver Dollar City is full of shows and craftsmen and is also an amusement park. It is a few miles from Branson.

Andy Williams at 81 is still a great entertainer. His show was our favorite. I'm glad we got to see him. It was nostalgic. He was charming and his theater was beautiful. The opening act was wonderful as well.

Yes, there are many elderly visitors to Branson. That is part of the charm. They are warm and appreciative of all the great shows. They are living the retirement dream; they have time and money.

The Five and Dime Store. Reminds me of my childhood.

The old section of town has the charm of ice cream stores, a Five and Dime Store, shady street and little shops.

The new section of town is called the Landing. It is on the river and has all the upscale shops you would expect to see in any big city. Lots of fun. There's something for almost everyone in Branson. We loved our week there. We will go back!

At the Landing

Monday, May 12, 2008

I always get emotional on Mother's Day. Many tender thoughts float in and out of my mind. I love being a mother. I love being a grandmother. I think family and motherhood is the greatest gift from Heavenly Father. I love that my mother always loved me and that we remained close all through the years. I miss her.

One of the blessings of the day was that my lovely family joined with us in church. Lindsay, Christopher, John, Alison, Abby, Brett, Claudia, Sarah, Analisa, Katherine, Matthew, Joseph, and Samuel. We took three side rows in the church. They looked so beautiful. How proud of them I am. Only one thing could have made the day brighter; Carrie, Randy, Spencer, Gabrielle, Christiana and Eliza Jane. Sadly they live 2000 miles away. Thank heaven for email, blogs and phone calls. We stay close.

Yesterday David spoke at church. He had five minutes at the end of the meeting and one would think that five minutes is hardly worth it but in that short time he gave the most touching tribute to his mother, his wife, his daughters, his daughters-in-law and the wonderful women who are our friends. He said more in that five minutes than most people say in twenty. Our family was touched.
Here are some photos of the day. I think you can feel the love in these pictures. I felt heaven on earth this day.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Where is Spring?

I know Spring is coming but where can it be.

The tulips are covered with snow as you see.

The gentle white falls on the grass and the tree

We try to be thankful but human are we.

We long for the warm summer days in the sun

With friends on the deck be it all or just one.

This winter's been long and and we're pushing the season.

The youth are all out in their shorts but they're freezin.

My friend said "spring's here" 'cause she wore her pink suit.

The next day brought snow but she'd looked really cute.

It comes when it comes and we'll patiently wait

for the hot summer days in this beautiful state.